- Level: purple
- Zoe (aged 5.5)
- Green English International Kindergarten (綠茵英文國際幼稚園, K3)
- Zoe學習了一個關於孖生孩子日常的故事, 而Zoe自己亦有一個孖生姐姐, 非常了解孖生姊妹的好處和不太好的地方, 一齊來看看她的分享。
- Level: purple
- Zoe (aged 5.5)
- Green English International Kindergarten (綠茵英文國際幼稚園, K3)
- Zoe's learnt a story about twin boys' daily life. Zoe also has a twin sister and she wrote down the good and bad things for twin in her writing piece.
- Level: purple
- Vienna (aged 6)
- Stewards Pui Kei Primary School (培基小學, P1)
- Vienna由"Red Ken"這個故事明白到Ken「紅運當頭」的經過,以自己的文字重新敘述事情的經過。Well done, Vienna!
- Level: purple
- Vienna (aged 6)
- Stewards Pui Kei Primary School (培基小學, P1)
- Vienna read the storybook "Red Ken" and realized how Ken's head turn into red at the end. She used her words to write the recount of this accident. Well done, Vienna!
- Level: orange
- Sum Yin (aged 5.5)
- Hong Kong (Ascot) Preschool & Playschool (樂基幼兒學校), K3
- 橙色故事系列第一冊講述遊戲日的趣味活動, Sum Yin為書中兩位孩子設計對話。孩子在此階段能夠活用第一、二組原音之外,也會學習第三組原音。當他們拼讀的單詞越多,寫作的自由度、創意也隨之增加。Excellent writing, Sum Yin!
- Level: orange
- Sum Yin (aged 5.5)
- Hong Kong (Ascot) Preschool & Playschool (樂基幼兒學校), K3
- It's about play day in this story. Sum Yin designed the dialogues between two friends and she's able to write all the words on her own by using the Set 1-2 sounds she has learnt. Excellent writing, Sum Yin!
- Level: pink
- Ethan (aged 5)
- St. Catherine's International School (國際英文幼稚園), K3
- Ethan有朋自遠方來, 急不及待計劃與友人(Nathan)日本旅遊的行程, 並將此大計與朋友分享。Ethan已學會了第一、二組原音, 能夠拼寫的生字越來越多,文中可見其寫作內容更加豐富呢!
- Level: pink
- Ethan (aged 5)
- St. Catherine's International School (國際英文幼稚園), K3
- Ethan is excited because his best friend Nathan is coming to visit him. He will go Japan with Nathan and he would like to share his plan! Ethan has learnt all Set 1 and 2 sounds which helps him enrich his writing piece to be meaningful and interesting.
- Level: purple
- Greta (aged 7)
- Diocesan Girls' Junior School (拔萃女小學)
- Greta閱讀了一個有趣的故事,講述Tom有一位非常喜歡幫助他完成所有事情的姐姐,令他無法自由地完成自己想做的事,因此寫了一封信給Agany Aunt,希望獲得她的意見。老師每課都會因應故事的內容讓孩子從不同的角度寫作,例如故事開端時Tom和姐姐不同的角度、在生活中遇到事情時兩姊弟的想法,以及Tom明白姐姐的愛以後的想法等。
- Level: purple
- Greta (aged 7)
- Greta has been reading a very interesting story "Sister for sale" these days. It's about Tom the little brother found his sister very annoying as she's so keen on helping him to complete every single task. So, he had to wrote a letter to Agany Aunt and sought for advice. Teacher encourages students using different scenes and angles to write story, which make students' writings more fruitful and practical.
- Level: green
- Ivan/Kevin (aged 5)
- Learning Habitat Kindergarten (Ma On Shan), K3
- Kevin and Ivan have just started learning Green storybook series. To encourage them to make sentences, teacher asked the boys to draw a picture which is related to the story, and described it in words.
Writing can be easy and lots of fun!
- Level: green
- Ivan/Kevin (aged 5)
- Learning Habitat Kindergarten (Ma On Shan), K3
- Kevin and Ivan have just started learning Green storybook series. To encourage them to make sentences, teacher asked the boys to draw a picture which is related to the story, and described it in words.
Writing can be easy and lots of fun!
- Level: purple
- Carson (aged 9)
- Sha Tin Junior School (沙田小學), Year 5
- Carson學習的一課名為"Your A to Z Holiday Guide",以不同字母開首去描述和形容旅行點滴。Carson選擇了以S字為首,展開他的旅行指南。Superb, Carson!
- Level: purple
- Carson (aged 9)
- Sha Tin Junior School (沙田小學), Year 5
- Carson learnt a non-fiction article "Your A to Z Holiday Guide". Carson chooses "s" as initial letter to start his holiday guide. Superb, Carson!
- Level: ditty
- Hazel (aged 6)
- Sha Tin Junior School (沙田小學), Year 2
- Hazel學習的故事書名為"Kings of the birds",講述雀鳥界希望選出一個能夠代表牠們的王。烏鴉雖然想參選,但是牠覺得自己不夠突出,所以偷偷地在身上掛上其他雀鳥的鮮艷羽毛,欺騙其他同類。牠最後知道自己做錯了,亦勇於承認錯誤,得到了朋友們的原諒。
Good girl, Hazel!
- Level: ditty
- Hazel (aged 6)
- Sha Tin Junior School (沙田小學), Year 2
- Hazel is learning a book "Kings of the birds". It's about the birds would like to have a king to represents themselves. Poor Crow would like to be the king, however, it thinks it looks to dull to be a king. He picked up the feathers from other beautiful birds and stuck them on to his back to make itself different. At the end, other birds know its trick and were mad. It admits its fault and other birds forgive it.
Hazel followed the story line and created a scenario about a boy telling lies to friends and how they fix it.
Good girl, Hazel!
- Level: ditty
- Larry (aged 5)
- Hong Kong (Ascot) Preschool & Playschool (樂基幼兒學校), K3
- Larry學習了Pip's Pizza這本故事書,主角Pip用了很多古怪的食材,令到Zip不敢恭維!
在Larry的創意寫作中,由Chef Larry負責製作薄餅,老師先讓孩子用圖畫記錄要用上的材料,再逐步寫下自己的作品,連老師都覺得好好味呢!
What a stunning dish, Larry!
- Level: ditty
- Larry (aged 5)
- Hong Kong (Ascot) Preschool & Playschool (樂基幼兒學校), K3
- Larry has learnt the storybook "Pip's Pizza". Pip the main character has chosen many weird ingredients to make a pizza, and make his friend Zip sick!
Now, it's Larry's turn to be chef. Chef Larry draws a picture to plan what he is going to make, and writes it down step by step. It looks much more delicious than Pip's pizza.
What a stunning dish, Larry!
- Level: pink
- Carlynda (aged 6)
- 協恩小學, P1
- The storybook that Carlynda read is "Scruffy Ted". The lovely girl in the book has a lot of soft toys. She introduced her favourites with various adjectives. Carlynda has been doing very well in the class and she can use the words from book to describe 4 lovely soft toys in her writing piece.
Well done, Carlynda!
- Level: pink
- Carlynda (aged 6)
- Heep Yunn Primary School, P1
- The storybook that Carlynda read is "Scruffy Ted". The lovely girl in the book has a lot of soft toys. She introduced her favourites with various adjectives. Carlynda has been doing very well in the class and she can use the words from book to describe 4 lovely soft toys in her writing piece.
Well done, Carlynda!