- Level: grey
- Hayden (aged 7)
- 沙田小學, Year 3
- Hayden代入故事書主人翁的哥哥Stewart的角色,描述他和弟弟Andrew到海邊玩耍時,不見了弟弟的感受和應對方法,更重要的從事件中學到了甚麼。Excellent, Hayden!
- Level: grey
- Hayden (aged 7)
- Sha Tin Junior School, Year 3
- Hayden put himself in Stewart's shoes. He lost his younger brother, Andrew when they were playing on the beach. What would he feel when Andrew was lost and how would he do? What he could learn from this experience? Hayden did an excellent piece of work!
- Level: green
- Cayden (aged 5)
- 國際英文幼稚園, K3
- Cayden 閱讀綠色故事書第一冊"On the bus",老師引導他想像動物們在巴士上會做些甚麼,進行創意寫作。
Brillant, Cayden!
- Level: green
- Cayden (aged 5)
- St. Catherine's International School, K3
- Cayden has learnt the Green storybook 1 "On the bus". Teacher guided him to brainstorming what the animals do on the bus. Cayden has lots of brilliant ideas for his creative writing. Well done, Cayden!
- Level: ditty
- Ethan (aged 5)
- 國際英文幼稚園, K3
- Ethan閱讀綠色故事書The Spell,講述女巫要使用不同的材料和咒語,煉成魔法。如果Ethan也可以施展魔法,他會用上甚麼材料呢?老師讓孩子構思要用上的材料,畫出他煉製魔法咒語的鍋,引導他逐步進行創意寫作。Good job, Ethan!
- Level: ditty
- Ethan (aged 5)
- St. Catherine's International School, K3
- Ethan learnt the Green storybook 4 "The Spell". It's about a witch mixing different kinds of ingredients in a pot for spell. If Ethan could use magic and spell, what kind of ingredients he would put into the pot? Teacher asked Ethan to draw a pot and the ingredients. It helps him have the full picture what he's going to write. Good job, Ethan!